Botanical Information Systems (HC)
Atlas of Living Australia (NCRIS project, CSIRO contribution)
Australian Mangrove Species

Rhizophora stylosa |
The aim of this collaborative project is to create species level content for projects such as the Atlas of Living Australia and for research, education and public information. It will build on existing biodiversity information management activities, resources and expertise around the nation and beyond. Information on the plant and animal species found in Australian mangroves will be collated, with emphasis on taxonomy, appearance, identification, biology, distribution and ecology. The project is based on active and inclusive partnership to provide freely available on-line access to information using modern biodiversity information management technologies.
Mangrove and tidal salt marsh communities provide a logical and compelling focus for a multidisciplinary biodiversity documentation project. These communities:
- form a readily recognizable coastal vegetation type
- generally have distinct boundaries with surrounding vegetation types
- contain most major groups of plants and many vertebrate and invertebrate animal species.
- are acknowledged breeding habitats for coastal and pelagic fish species
- are of documented conservation significance
- form structural and ecological buffers for coastal regions
- are under threat from urban and industrial development
- attract wide public interest
- are often politically sensitive
More on this project at the National Taxonomy Research Hub...