Petrophile. A-C , P. linearis . A , flowering branchlet; B , adaxial view of nut; C , abaxial view of nut (A-C , J.Ross 2967, MEL). D-E , P. incurvata . D , fruiting branchlet; E , pollen presenter (D-E , B.Smith 468, MEL). F , P. macrostachya , flowering branchlet (D.Foreman 622, MEL). G-I , P. shuttleworthiana . G , leaves; H , adaxial view of nut; I , abaxial view of nut (G-I , D.Foreman 403, MEL). J-M , P. semifurcata . J , fruiting branchlet (R.Filson 8587, MEL); K , leaf variant (D.Foreman 625, MEL); L , adaxial view of nut, tip broken; M , abaxial view of nut, tip broken (L-M , R.Filson 8587, MEL).
Illustrators: P.Cooper.
Flora of Australia Volume 16 (1995) figure 96.