Caption: A-I , Adenanthera . A-E , A. abrosperma . A , node with leaf and inflorescence; B , leaflet; C , anther with stalked gland (A-C , P.I.Forster PIF13023, MEL & J.R.Clarkson 7703, MEL); D , pod; E , seed (D-E , P.I.Forster PIF8515, MEL). F-I , A. pavonina . F , leaflet; G , inflorescence; H , pods, one open (F-H , N.Byrnes 2379, DNA & M.Lowrie 00016, BRI); I , seed (P.K.Latz 3432, BRI). J-L , Entada . J , E. phaseoloides , node with leaf and inflorescence (L.J.Webb & J.G.Tracey 3337, BRI & W.T.Jones 808, CANB). K-L , E. rheedii . K , pod with one segment showing a seed (J.Russell-Smith 3629, DNA & W.A.Persieh, MEL594724); L , node with leaf and inflorescence (J.Russell-Smith 2455, DNA).Illustrators: Milton Andrews.
Flora of Australia Volume 12 (1998) figure 33.