A, Plant drawn moist. B, Fruiting plant, drawn dry. C, Fruiting plant, drawn moist. D, Stem leaf. E, Perichaetial leaf. F,G, Cells of leaf apex. H,I, Cells of basal margin of stem leaf. J-M, Sections of leaf through costa. N, Stem section. O, Axillary hairs. Macquarie Island: small tarn north of Scoble Lake. R.D.Seppelt 9450, 05.xii.1975. (HO 51486). [Figs A, D-F, I-N]. Australia: no details available. B.Murray (ex ALA B27457). [Figs B, C, G, H, O]
Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
Australian Mosses Online