View past issues of News From Your Gardens |
A master plan for the Gardens
The Gardens is developing a 20-year Master Plan that will provide a blueprint for its future development - Senator Simon Birmingham, Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment announces [read more]. |
Art meets science
The terms ‘bogs and fens’ may elicit images of swamps or the squelching sounds of gumboots - but bogs and fens are gaining a new reputation thanks to Craft ACT’s Artist-in-Residence program – an inspiration for art [read more]. |
Red Centre Garden turns one!
One year on, the Red Centre Garden has been a journey of discovery for Gardens' staff and visitors alike [read more]. |
Spring flowers in the Gardens
Spring is peak flowering time at the Australian National Botanic Gardens. There is no better time to wander in and discover the beauty and diversity of Australia's plants [read more]. |
Garden Guidance: Hot tip of the season
Looking for ways to care for your garden during spring? Gardens' Nursery Horticulturist Heather Sweet has this season's hot tip [read more]. |
Exploring Townhouse Gardens in the Ancient Roman World
During a recent Friends public talk, Professor Elizabeth Minchin, Professor of Classics in the ANU Centre for Classical Studies, discussed how she looked at the garden areas of the freestanding atrium townhouses of Pompeii to reconstruct the appearance – the layout, the plantings and the ornamentation – to assess the importance of gardens in the Roman world [read more]. |
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A gift to your Gardens
Did you know you can donate online?
We welcome your generous support to help us continue to enhance the highest quality of enjoyment, learning and research in horticultural practice, plant science and community education [read more]. |
Gardens venues and catering from Floresco - perfect for your next occasion
The Gardens is the perfect place to hold your next occasion. With a range of facilities, beautiful surroundings and delicious catering, the Gardens is an ideal venue for your celebrations, meetings, training days or presentations [read more]. |
Enjoy latest releases, children’s and classic films in the beautiful garden surrounds. Bring a picnic or purchase your dinner at the event.
Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat evenings from 14 Nov – 20 Dec | 7.00 pm | Eucalypt Lawn | Various ticket and seating price options
An ‘adults only’ night combining the best of the Gardens’ afterDARK experiences with gourmet food and wine
Fridays from Dec 2014 - Mar 2015 | Register to receive first notification of dates, times and online bookings
Presented by the Growing Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens | A boutique sale of plants propagated and tended by the Growing Friends from material sourced from the Gardens
Sat 8 Nov | 8.30 am – 11.00 am or until sold out | Crosbie Morrison Car Park | $3 and $5
Enjoy stories in the Gardens presented by the Storytellers Guild of the ACT.
Suitable for pre-schoolers | First Friday of Every Month | 10.00 am | $5 per child
Visit this annual exhibition of photos taken in the Gardens by local high school and college students
Until 9 Nov | Visitor Centre Gallery | Free
See some up close and personal photographs of some of the weird and wonderful plants, animals and invertebrates discovered by Bush Blitz
11 November – 3 December 2014 | 9.30 am – 4.30 pm | Visitor Centre Gallery | Free entry